Chamomile, a well-known herb, gets its name from the Greek words "hamai" and "apple," which mean "apple of the ground." This beautiful flower looks like a small daisy and originally comes from Southern Europe. It was brought to places like America and Australia through grain seeds. People now grow chamomile in many parts of the world.
Chamomile is not only used to make a kind of tea, but it's also an important ingredient in many medicines and beauty products that are used all around the world. The best part of the chamomile plant to use is its flowers when they are fully grown and blooming.
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Mindestens haltbar bis: 2026-12-01
Ursprungsregion Chania
Wie man konsumiert
Drink it HOT or ICED.
Try it also with honey or sugar.
Preparation for hot: Pour hot water(temperature up to 90°) in a vessel which can be closed, add the dried herbs (1 tbsp per 200ml water) and steep for 3-5 minutes.
Preparation for iced: Double the dose (2 tbsp per 200ml water) and follow the same steps as above. Then pour the tea in a glass full of ice.
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