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Bio Dies ist ein Bio-Produkt

Tofillo Pink Healer Kräuterteemischung

by tofillo
Größe: 9g

Wir haben beschlossen, die kraftvolle antioxidative Zistrose zusammen mit ihren schönen rosa Blüten und dem hoch angesehenen Salbei-Kraut, das seit der Antike für seine Heilwirkungen bekannt ist, zu kombinieren. Diese einzigartige Mischung, die wir geschaffen haben, vereint die wunderbaren Düfte und die wohltuenden Eigenschaften dieser Pflanzen in perfekter Harmonie.

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AUSWEIS: 7960065147138

Kategorie: Alle Produkte, Kräuter & Tees, Neue Kräuter & Tees

Stichworte: bio, cretan herbs, cretan tea, cretanherbs, organic tea

  • Produktbeschreibung

    When we combined the Cretan herb known for its life-saving properties with the potent antioxidant action of the "pink herb," we gave birth to the Pink Healer herbal blend.

    The distinct aroma of sage, along with the remarkable properties of rockrose, came together to create a beverage with a truly unique flavor, merging the best qualities of both herbs.

    This blend offers your body valuable ingredients without any caffeine, making it suitable for consumption any time of the day. Our secret recipe includes handpicked, premium-quality sage leaves, as well as flowers and leaves of rockrose.

    Gathered through organic and sustainable practices, you can trust that your tea is sourced responsibly and maintains the highest standards of quality.

    Isn't it intriguing to try this incredible combination of super herbs? Presented in a 9g double package with a resealable zip, your tea's flavor and aroma will remain intact. Embrace this daily ritual to experience the finest gifts that Cretan nature bestows.

    Whether you prefer your tea warm or cold, every sip contributes to your daily wellness journey, infused with the wealth of Cretan wisdom.

    We are thrilled to introduce this herbal blend tea, a fusion of two of the most valuable and essential medicinal herbs native to our island!

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