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Olive oil

All you need to know about Cretan olive oil

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All you need to know about Cretan honey

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All you need to know about Cretan herbs

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Cretan Olive

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Cretan olive oil, cherished for centuries, embodies the essence of the Cretan land and tradition

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Cretan Honey

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Cretan honey, the nectar of Cretan land rich in flavour and aromas

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Cretan Herbs
& spices

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Meet the therapeutic properties of Cretan herbs and enrich the flavor of your meal with Cretan spices

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Cretan Olives

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Discover different varieties of Hellenic olives and find out why they are considered the best in the world

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New olive oils

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Bio This is an organic product
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Phenolic This is a high Phenolic EVOO
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Phenolic This is a high Phenolic EVOO
Bio This is an organic product
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Phenolic This is a high Phenolic EVOO
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Phenolic This is a high Phenolic EVOO
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Phenolic This is a high Phenolic EVOO

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Bio This is an organic product
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  • Does honey have high nutritional value?
    Does honey have high nutritional value? - Cretan Garden GmbH
    Yes, honey is nutritious. Its composition can vary based on factors like the type of flowers bees use for nectar and processing methods. Key components include carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and prebiotics. Consume honey in moderation due to its sugar content. Note: Infants under one year should not consume honey due to botulism risk.
  • Is my honey spoiled if it's crystallized?
    Is my honey spoiled if it's crystallized? - Cretan Garden GmbH
    No, your honey is not spoiled if it has crystallized. Crystallization is a natural process that can occur with honey over time, and it's perfectly normal. In fact, crystallized honey is still safe to eat, and many people actually prefer the texture of crystallized honey.

    To return crystallized honey to its liquid state, you can gently warm it. Place the honey container in a bowl of warm water or use a microwave at low power, heating in short intervals and stirring until it becomes liquid again. Just be careful not to overheat it, as excessive heat can degrade the quality of the honey.

    So, there's no need to worry if your honey has crystallized; it's still good to use and enjoy.
  • Is honey beneficial for the skin?
    Is honey beneficial for the skin? - Cretan Garden GmbH
    Yes, honey can be beneficial for the skin. It has several properties that make it a popular natural ingredient in skincare:

    1. Moisturizing: Honey is a natural humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. This can help keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness.

    2. Antibacterial: Honey has natural antibacterial properties that can help in treating and preventing acne. It can also be applied to minor cuts and wounds to aid in the healing process.

    3. Antioxidant: Honey contains antioxidants that can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to premature aging.

    4. Gentle Exfoliation: Honey contains enzymes that can provide gentle exfoliation, helping to remove dead skin cells and promote a smoother complexion.

    5. Soothing: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, honey can soothe irritated or inflamed skin, making it useful for conditions like sunburn or eczema.

    To use honey in your skincare routine, you can apply it directly to your skin as a mask, mix it with other natural ingredients like yogurt or oatmeal, or look for skincare products that contain honey as an ingredient. However, if you have allergies or sensitive skin, it's essential to do a patch test first to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions.
  • Myth or fact: Does honey ever go bad?
    Myth or fact: Does honey ever go bad? - Cretan Garden GmbH
    Fact! Honey has an incredibly long shelf life and does not spoil. Archaeologists have even found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. Honey's natural composition, low water content, and high acidity make it resistant to bacteria and spoilage. Over time, honey may crystallize and change in texture, but it's still safe to eat and can be returned to a liquid state by gently warming it. So, you can enjoy honey for a very long time without worrying about it going bad.
  • Can I always find high-quality honey in supermarkets?
    Can I always find high-quality honey in supermarkets? - Cretan Garden GmbH
    Many supermarket honeys are blends from various sources. To ensure you're getting the best quality and know its exact composition, it's recommended to purchase honey from a trusted and certified producer.
  • Should I age my olive oil like wine?

    The answer is that nothing can be compared with the taste and aromas of the freshly extracted olive oil. So, no olive oil is not getting better with time. Though, as long as it is kept in dark and glass containers at a cool temperature olive oil can be well preserved.

  • Is it true that a bitter and/or spicy taste indicates that my olive oil has been spoiled?

    The actual truth is that a bitter and/or spicy taste are indications for a high-quality olive oil that has been extracted from the olives at the appropriate time and is still fresh. The spicier the olive oil, the more phenols it contains!

  • Is it true that you can only use olive oil for eating?

    Olive oil has been used for cosmetic purposes for centuries. Olive oil is great for moisturizing dry hair or skin because it contains squalene, oleic acid and vitamin E.

  • Is it true that if you cook vegetables with olive oil, the vegetables lose their antioxidants?

    That is not correct! As we already said, olive oil is ideal for cooking and there is scientific evidence for this! A recent study showed cooking with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (including deep frying and sautéing) an increase is observed in total phenols (antioxidants) in the cooked food (particularly when cooking raw vegetables). In contrast, when boiling vegetables in water, the total amount of phenols, is reduced.

  • Should I Avoid Using Olive Oil for cooking?
    Olive oil is an excellent choice for cooking. Compared to many other vegetable oils, it remains stable at higher temperatures, up to 240°C, and can be heated for up to 20 minutes without breaking down. This makes it not only a flavorful but also a reliable option for various cooking methods.
  • What are Cretan herbs, and what sets them apart from other herbs?
    Cretan herbs are a group of aromatic plants native to the Mediterranean island of Crete. What makes them unique is their vibrant flavors and distinctive characteristics, which are influenced by the island's climate and soil.
  • How can I use Cretan herbs in my cooking?
    Cretan herbs, like oregano, thyme, and rosemary, can elevate your culinary creations. Simply sprinkle them over your dishes for an infusion of flavor. You can also use them to make flavorful herb-infused oils or teas for a unique twist in your recipes.
  • Do Cretan herbs offer any health benefits beyond flavor?
    Indeed, they do! Many Cretan herbs contain antioxidants and possess various medicinal properties. For example, Cretan oregano is known for its antimicrobial qualities, while sage can aid in digestion. These herbs have a long history of use in traditional remedies and herbal teas for their potential health benefits.
  • What are the 3 most popular cretan herbs?

    Dittany Tea (Tsai diktamo or Origanum dictamnus): Dittany tea is crafted from the leaves and flowers of the Dittany of Crete plant, which is indigenous to the island. It boasts a unique and aromatic flavor. Beyond its culinary uses, Dittany tea is believed to possess medicinal properties and is sometimes used to address digestive and respiratory issues.


    Cretan Sage Tea (Tsai faskomilo or Salvia fruticosa): Sage tea, made from the leaves of the Cretan sage plant, is another popular herbal infusion in Crete. It has a slightly bitter and earthy taste and is thought to have various potential health benefits, including supporting digestion and offering antioxidant properties.


    Lemon Verbena Tea (Tsai luisa or Aloysia citrodora): Lemon verbena tea is prepared from the leaves of the lemon verbena plant, which is cultivated in Crete. It has a refreshing lemony flavor and is often enjoyed for its citrusy aroma and potential calming effects. This tea is favored for its soothing and aromatic qualities.

  • What are the therapeutic properties of dittany of Crete?
    1. Digestive Health: Dittany is often used to aid digestion and soothe gastrointestinal discomfort. It may help alleviate symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and gas.

    2. Anti-Inflammatory: Dittany is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may make it beneficial for conditions involving inflammation, such as arthritis or sore muscles. It can also be used topically on minor skin irritations.

    3. Antioxidant: Like many herbs, Dittany contains antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and free radicals in the body. Antioxidants may play a role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

    4. Respiratory Health: Some traditional uses of Dittany include addressing respiratory issues like coughs and bronchitis. It may help soothe the throat and reduce coughing.

    5. Wound Healing: Dittany has been historically used topically on wounds and cuts to promote healing. Its antimicrobial properties may help prevent infection.

    6. Aphrodisiac: In folklore, Dittany has also been associated with aphrodisiac properties, although scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited.


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